

Friday, David and I went and got our flu shots... my arm was hurting up until last night/this morning.  David's arm was bothering him as well over the weekend.

So, Friday night Mr. Smith couldn't join us as he was doing homework so David's brother, Stephen, came over.  Around 9 or so he asked if we cared if Ethan came over.  Now, this is weird because people don't COME to our house.  We have a very small inner circle consisting of us, Stephen Smith, sometimes Stephen G., occasionally Lisa (David's sister) but that's really it.  I don't like people in my house.  So Stephen asked if it was ok, I said yeah, whatever.  So then our group had an extra person.

So.. whatever..they were playing WoW.  I was reading.  Was falling asleep at 11pm so went to bed.  Woke up Sat. morning..and Stephen was still here... slept on the couch... then Ang woke him and they went and got donuts :) yum

So, Stephen just kinda hung out all day.  Around 6pm I txted Smith to see if he was coming over or not..and I got no response.  So i left him a msg on facebook and his sister said he was sleeping.  So, I told her to tell him, when he wakes up, that i'm mad at him.  So around 9 or so I get a txt "I just woke up! You should have called me!"  So anyways... he ended up coming over..and I took a night off from my meds (i took them the next morning) and we all got trashed.

David's brother went home around 12:30-1 or so (he was the only one of us sober)  David crashed maybe an hour later or so... which left me and Stephen up until about 4:30 having interesting conversation about how things got to be the way they are.  Like the fact that in the beginning David didn't want to be friends with him, and was suspicious of MY friendship with him.  And how we used to txt and call each other..but we don't anymore.  He and David txt a fair amount and sometimes he even calls David (usually when he is driving home from school)   There was a lot more nonsensical discussions that were completely random and rambly.

And then...Sunday morning Ang and I both wake up with the sinus crap.  We were both sneezy and runny and pretty much miserable the whole day.  Thought maybe it might be a cold, but kinda tapered off towards the evening.  Kept her home from school yesterday tho just to be safe.  She was fine most of the day so I sent her to school today.

But... I am miserable.  The sinus crap not so much... but I have had a massive headache since yesterday morning.  the whole right side of my face hurts ( I suspect it is a combination of sinus inflammation that is inflaming my impacted wisdom tooth)  and Sunday night and yesterday I kept getting randomly nauseous.  Last night I was absolutely miserable.

And then...for whatever reason.. I felt ok.

This morning I woke up to another headache, and my face still hurts.  My body is stiff...but not SO SO achy.  I almost wonder if part of the headache is from Angelina coming in our room at 6:45 this morning  and saying that it was 7 and it was time to get up.  David and I both told her we dont' get up till 7:30.  She wanted clothes..so I told her to find some.  She sat in our room for half an hour bouncing against our bed "looking" for clothes.  When I finally got up at 7:30, she was bundled up in my robe in a little ball on the floor.  Aaannnddd... she didn't want to get up.  So, I pulled the cover off her... she is still completely naked!  I was kinda pissed because there was a pair of panties and socks directly in front of her, and 4 pairs of pants in a basket at the foot of our bed.  But she said she couldn't find any clothes.  So then, when David and I picked a pair of pants for her to put on, she tried to throw this fit  "I don't want to wear those pants"  We both pretty much told her she gave up her choice by messing around and not getting herself dressed for the 45 mins that she was driving us bonkers and keeping us awake.

So, since I didn't get my grocery shopping done yesterday I went this morning after I took her to the bus.  I spent 3 hours out between walgreens and publix.  I felt TERRIBLE.  Physically I am just icky today.  I had a headache this morning, but I knew that I needed to go shopping.  I got through walgreens mostly ok... but while I was in Publix I kept having these weird kind of dizzy spells and feeling like I was going to faint.  I didn't... and it used to happen to me before I started taking all my crazy pills.  I used to get very flushed and dizzy feeling if I was walking too much without resting, etc (like grocery shopping)  I just tried to push through it.. got out of the store, came home and unloaded the car (ugh)  and then CRASHED.  Hard.  Fell right asleep and slept for like an hour and a half.

David had called me on his lunch and when I woke up it he was still on break so I gave him a call and we talked for a bit.  Then I got up and made some soup (which didn't really help and instead my tummy is feeling all ugh  again)  and here I am ... writing this.

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