
Hello blog world

So, I'm kinda depressed/melancholy. I HATE paying bills. No, actually that's not entirely true...I just hate paying bills when it means there's no money left over, or sometimes not enough. right now is one of those not enough times. I hate having to shuffle due dates just to make ends meet. I work for a living. So does my husband. we are both productive citizens. So why is it so hard? I mean... Thanksgiving in next week, and I have PLENTY to be thankful for, but right now I feel like... why am I thankful for working my ass off everyday to have little to show for it. And Christmas. It's commercial, we know this...but ... my daughter, she's 4, I asked her what she wanted for Christmas...the only things she wants are a Dora the Explorer bicycle, and a red Ford Mustang convertible (the power wheels version, that is) We have been flirting with the idea of this mustang for over a year now. She rode in one once and now everytime we go to the store she wants to look at it. It's always "Maybe you'll get that for Christmas, or maybe for you birthday, or maybe when we get the income tax return", but ... when it comes time for those things we never seem to have that $300 for the red plastic mustang that apparently is my 4 year old's heart's desire. I want to go to school. I want to not work, or only work part-time, and go to school. Can't even make ends meet working full time how do I expect to go to school? The last thing I need is more debt. I'm up to my ears in it, it's working on suffocating me. Some days it's unbearable (like today) and I just want to run away and hide. So, if you're reading this, and you have like... oh, I dunno 10,000 dollars to spare send it my way... it could come in handy. kthnxbye.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how you feel, debt is a bitch and I'm only in college. I owe too many people and places money lol. If I had that 10 grand I'd give it to you in a heartbeat.