
Happy Anniversary

So yesterday David and I celebrated being together for SIX years. I was thinking on it, we didn't really do anything spectacular last year for five years and I realized it's because at six years we hit the 5 year mark and kept going. Yesterday was 5 years since we got engaged, five years since we fully commited to each other. In another week or so we will pass the 5 year point where Angelina came to be. I'm happy, but I'm also kind of melancholy...like..."this is it?" I'm 23...and this is it. I'm not unhappy per se... in the past month or so have been probably at one of the happiest points in my life...but it didn't revolve around my family or my husband. It revolved around ME. and then i got sad because I decided I want to go to college. I want to DO something with my life besides work a mediocre job that I hate that barely pays the bills and spend most evenings either watching TV or surfing the internet and being annoyed at my husband and my daughter. My daughter for paying too much attention to me and my husband for not paying ENOUGH attention to me. And it just makes me think. I could be doing anything I wanted to, I could go to school and live in a dorm and just worry about getting good grades and not about whether me furthering my education was going to make us lose our house. I can get money to go to school. I can't get money to not work to be able to go to school and still pay the bills. And i'd really like to be able to finish my degree and get a job before Angelina graduates. I don't want a 6 year degree to take me 12 years to complete. I also don't want to miss out on my daughter growing up. So everyone please pray that something presents itself to make it all possible.

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