
Stolen from Crys's LJ

pick 25 words describing what you ARE
and 25 words describing what you AREN'T,
and another 10 describing what you wish you WERE.
post this, and see who agrees,
and who disagrees!
i am:
  1. moody
  2. bossy
  3. selfish
  4. lazy
  5. fat
  6. avoidant
  7. argumentative
  8. drama queen
  9. a walking contradiction
  10. a good cook when i want to cook
  11. selectively OCD
  12. dirty minded
  13. sarcastic
  14. aloof
  15. inconsistent
  16. unreliable
  17. messy
  18. mentally ill
  19. lost
  20. obsessive
  21. chaotic
  22. emotional - David's input
  23. Ang says beautiful
  24. an emotional eater
  25. (mom close ur eyes) David says good in the 'sack' BCBW!!
  26. medicated
i am not:
  1. Skinny
  2. stable
  3. a neat freak
  4. jealous much
  5. a good housewife
  6. a good employee
  7. reliable
  8. innocent
  9. sweet
  10. a good friend
  11. good at keeping in contact
  12. good at finishing what i start
  13. complete
  14. ok
  15. alright
  16. ready to go
  17. skinny
  18. working
i wish i was:

financially stable, able to take care of myself all the time without help, more tolerant of and more attentive to my daughter, less anxious, less unstable, more reliable, less moody, less medicated and being ok without the meds, the person my psychiatrist medicates me to be.

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