
New year, maybe new life

i went and did it now. i broke my husband's heart. i can't explain it to him that him not knowing and understanding without me explaining is why i am unhappy and why it isn't working for me any longer. and when i told him that he said "please, explain it to me and i'll try to understand." he doesn't understand that him not understanding is me explaining. confusing i know. most people don't get it. there's someone who does get it. who gets me. who i had to be honest about. And i broke my husband's heart. he said he would keep our daughter. i had a feeling he would. it scares me because my dad took me from my mom, for the same reason, he thought she was unstable. my husband said I was being selfish, that i'm not thinking of her, that i'm not thinking of him. that i'm only thinking of myself. he has been thinking of himself all along and never stopped to notice how unhappy i was, trying to make both of them happy most of the time. i changed so much for him, most of my own doing, trying to be who i thought he and his family wanted me to be, and i just reached a point where i don't even know who i am anymore. sadly, this person I am in this moment, i recognize her. she is needy, she is selfish, she is self-absorbed. she feels like she should always be alone so she doesn't hurt others, but can't stand to be alone. because she feels so empty. she needs someone to fill her up, always. so if YOU are reading this, and I know you do. just know this. I most likely will break your heart, if I haven't already in some way. I don't mean to. You fill in the pieces of me that are missing. this is just beginning and already i feel so much closer to you than anyone ever before. but in this moment, i also feel like there is a gaping hole where my heart should be, because i am breaking his. and i can't go forward in either direction without doing damage. Please forgive me.


Anonymous said...

AS your mother I AM telling you what to do...I as a woman, a human, another soul who deals with life and it's choices and wisdom...STOP!!!! Right here...RIGHT NOW ....I am not in Florida I do not know all of the particulars in this situation...but I do know ...you are lonely, your are hurting, and first and foremost you are confused....NEVER EVER make decisons when you are confused and don't see clearly or have any sort of clarity of what you are doing or why !!!!!

I can also say there seems to be a 3rd party involved in the decisions you are making....they need to GO!!!!

Your life, your marriage and your family....is about 2 people ( well 3 with Ang) and ONLY those 2 people can be involved or a reason for anything you do at this point.

Even if your marriage is failed, it cannot be about a 3rd person, it HAS to be because you and David failed NOT because a 3rd party tried to fill a void...because they WILL NOT. ( FIll a void) if there is a void in your marriage...then it is because of you and David and ONLY you OR David can fill in that missing piece...you HAVE to be whole before you can give yourself to ANYONE!!!! There are NO do overs and if David cannot fix what is missing then you need to be alone to FIX what was broken in your marriage, and you ... BEFORE you try to start over with someone else....EVERY relationship has pitfalls and YOU can make it work IF you WANT to bad enough.... And better to work it out with David then too fail again ( relationship wise) with someone else.....

I LOVE YOU with everything I am....
just PLEASE slow down ...

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet pea, please, please don't do this. You are able to sort things out without resorting to such drastic actions! Please stop, pray, go see your pastor, they can help you! I know how you feel, I have been there in the past, about your age too I believe. Trying to figure out who I was, blaming my unhappiness on others, thinking that I was just a mess and needed to be alone, but a little afraid too. It is soooo much easier to FIX things, then to try to buy something new. I will pray for all of you honey. I am soooo sorry you are going through this right now. But it really doesn't have to be as bad as it seems right now. And believe it or not, I agree with your mama. 3rd party involvement is always, ALWAYS a bad thing. THat is not what you promised to David when you married him, and if I know you at all, you are a lot like your momma, YOU ARE NOT A LIAR! You just hold up, take a couple steps back and reaccess the situation. I love you, and you can call me anytime to talk, or send me your # and I will call you. I do love you, I always will, and I just want the best for you. Take words of wisdom from some old women, who have been there and done that... It isn't worth the price you pay or the price your child pays... Loveyou! LaShelle