
I have a sister

I've known that I had a sister since I was 10 years old. I never really wanted to find her because that would involve finding my biological father. The information I knew about him wasn't that great. But yesterday I'm sitting here reading a survey and question #1 says: Where is your sister? where is my sister? So, being the way I am I decided to find her. And guess what? Today I have a sister. Her name is Amy, she lives in Missouri. She has three kids. My niece and nephews. How WEIRD is that? After 23 years I have a sister. She didn't even know. Which I kind of knew that because I don't think that HE even knew. Until this morning she didn't know that she had one more sister. She doesn't know anything about him, he wasn't allowed to be a part of her life and he died when she was 10. Her mom won't talk to her about him. My mom will tell me what she knows, but she doesn't know very much. I have a sister.

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