
so tired

So tired, can't shut down. Do you ever feel like the people in your life would be better off if you just disappeared? I feel like that. like i'm so toxic to the people I love. Sometimes makes me crazy when people do what I tell them to to protect them. Not like I want them to do it really, but I can't expect more from them than I am willing to give to them. I am coming to this realization, it's an issue I have. Expecting more from people than they can possibly give, or at least expecting more from them that I am willing to give. I want them to sacrifice something for me, but I am unwilling to budge. Not quite a double standard, not quite hypocrisy, but borderline both. Just expectation. I should have learned long ago not to expect things of others, but I can't give up. And I am sadly disappointed over and over again, and it makes me angry. It makes me angry that the disappoint me, and it makes me angry that I get angry because I know that most of the time they aren't doing anything more or less than what I would do if our roles were reversed. but for whatever reason I can't let go. And now, instead of love all I feel is anger, and disappointment, and resentment....and emptiness. I posted a while ago about Darth Vader having borderline personality disorder... and I was just coming to the realization that I feel very much like that right now. It's eating me alive and messing things up all over again. I just wish that my emotions would regulate. I can't stand the extremes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sweetie, expectations are from us being hurt by things, people, situations. The higher the expectations the deeper the damage. OMG, I could tell you some horror stories of things that I expected from people, and how I was so offended by their inadequate and unloving behavior towards me. Never, never was I happy! The grass was always greener on the other side was my life. I kept doing the same things over and over, expecting a different result each time... btw I believe that is the definition of insanity. LOL! I love you so much! I wish I could just hold you in my arms and make everything perfect for you all! KEep at it, you will sort through this mess that we call "damage" and come out much stronger in the end....LaShelle