
Why are we so ashamed of what people do to us?

I can be a mean person. That being said, people trust me with their secrets. And I keep them. I want to cry. I don't understand why people purposely hurt others. And I don't mean playful jest. Death is the only thing so far that doesn't haunt me. Maybe that's because you dont' have to live with it when it's over. Don't get me wrong, i'm not ready to die. It's just that I fear pain and suffering more than the end of this life. I know there's more, and I know that it will be more wonderful than I could ever possible dream it in my mortal life. You hear things on the news, I try not to watch, it makes me cry. So much hate and hurt. Statistics. It's hard seeing people's lives turned into statistics. When I was 16 I was in a sexual abuse survivors group. There were 6 of us I think. We were discussing statistics, at that point in time the statistics said that 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 5 boys have endured some form of sexual abuse. My therapist then said, "in simple terms, that means that if you are with 3 friends, chances are at least 1 of you has been abused." A small fraction of that 25% ever tell or seek help for coping with it. Remember to love each other, we all have our own demons. Everyone has pain. Remember that you are one part in a multi-billion piece puzzle. If you have the opportunity to help someone, do it. Some people need an ear, or a shoulder, some just need you to hold the door open for 10 seconds longer. Don't get to busy or too much in a hurry to realize that your actions affect everyone around you. Remember that if you need someone that someone else probably needs you. Reason, Season, Lifetime. You decide.