I have been feeling insightful lately, or maybe it's just being stuck home sick and achy and feverish with a sick, achy, and feverish family. I had some pretty weird dreams lately and at the moment I can't remember what they were about, but I woke up yesterday morning thinking that I needed to write down what I had figured out in my very plentiful dreams (and not a lot of real sleep) but alas, I didn't do it. Funny thing is I missed class on Tuesday and when I went to class this morning part of my personality class was about Alfred Adler's interpretation of what dreams mean. He believed that our dreams were a window into our future, a way for us to gain insight and solve problems that are happening presently or in the future. This theory differed greatly from Sigmund Freud's interpreation - He believed that our dreams were a direct representation of things that happened to us in the past that we had repressed. I find both theories quite interesting as I have had dreams that related or accomplished both (though not in the same dream, that I remember anyways)