Edit: I used a lot of language in this post because it suited my mood. I dunno what it is about screaming obscenities when you're angry, but I am still angry, but more constructively I guess. More to come.
I am kind of upset right now. I took all this time to make my own font. This is my handwriting. But then when I go on WordPress, Blogger, LJ… They don’t give you the OPTION to change your font. Or if it does (blogger) the fonts are the boring Times New Roman, Arial, etc. That have zero personality and quite honestly sometimes make me crazy. I like to customize. I feel more comfortable writing how I want to. What’s the point in spilling my guts to the general public if I can’t at least let it LOOK like me when the guts are spilled (lol) Anyways, I’m ranting. Has nothing to do with this blog (unless you count me getting all upset over something stupid like the fact that I can’t pick my OWN font)
Anyways, if anyone is interested in doing this as well the website is: http://www.fontcapture.com/ there isn’t a fancy program that you have d/l, or programs to run. You simply print out a sheet, fill in the blanks with your own handwriting, scan the image, upload it to the site, name it, sample it by typing stuff in to see if the letters look ok together… if so then u D/L the font to ur computer into your fonts folder and you’re good to go :D
I really hope that since I’m using Live Writer and my custom font shows up on here that when I post it will be the same.. most likely not tho :(
Happy something-or-other.
Edit: It actually posted with this font!! Awesome, something happened that I wanted it to. Okay blog, I want $15,000. Yeah, that should do it. I accept cash, check, paypal, money order.. I’m not picky.. just give me monies, plz?
P.S. It tells you to write the letters in a sharpie.. if you do it comes out looking like this BOLD, so I would suggest (unless of course you want bold font) that you actually use a thick tipped pen (like a felt pen) or a thin sharpie.Once you’ve made the font it allows you to resize it use italics and underlines and I think bold..but I can’t really tell coz my writing is already bolded.